
The cost of text books and school fees can put some families under extreme stress and anxiety as they struggle to find funds to pay for educational necessities. At YES Inc. we can help support families struggling to pay for text books.
We are committed to the principle that every child has a right to an education. We will ask the school for the child’s current year level text book order form, pay for the books and have them arranged to be dropped off at the school for collection.

Laptops, iPads and Tablets

The use of technology is a basic requirement of today’s learning environments. YES Inc. can assist disadvantaged families provide the basic technology required for their child’s education.

Case Study: YES Inc. came to recognise this need when one of our volunteers learnt of a young secondary school girl staying back at school to study on the computer because she didn’t have one at home. She had been walking home in the dark alone, as her single mother had no car.

Concerned for the welfare of this young woman, YES Inc. approached ‘Cash Converters’ and they offered us a 50% discount on a laptop. We provided the computer and the software she needed. With a sensitive and supportive approach, the mother was grateful for our assistance, and the girl is now excelling in her studies.

Course Fees

YES Inc. can pay for course fees that are central to a disadvantaged young person’s future, up to and including TAFE level courses.

Case Study: We support many young people in collaboration with Uniting in Ringwood located in Ringwood. One young woman, Sally*, was helped into emergency housing and was offered a place at Box Hill Tafe. We helped by sponsoring her text books.

When Sally finished her course she found that she needed to do a first-aid course to help her get a job, so YES Inc. sponsored her first-aid course. Sally got the job and was ecstatic. But what the first-aid course did was awaken her passion in nursing. Sally has now applied to study nursing. (*Not her real name)

Please see our contact details to apply.

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